
head duck Learn more about head duck

  • Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease is an acute septic infectious disease caused by duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease virus. It is characterized by duck head swelling, conjunctival congestion and bleeding, extensive skin bleeding, enlarged liver with bleeding spots, body temperature above 43 ℃, green defecation, etc., with an incidence of 50% to 100% and a mortality rate of 40% to 80% or even 100%. It is a new infectious disease that seriously harms the duck industry. 1 Epidemiological diagnosis of duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease (2003

  • What kinds of ducks are there?

    What kinds of ducks are there?

    What kinds of ducks are there?

  • Breeding techniques of Green-headed Duck

    Breeding techniques of Green-headed Duck

    First of all, the selection of breeds, high-quality breeding ducks play a vital role in the later stage of breeding. Ducklings must be kept under control of temperature. Within 24 hours after hatching, ducklings must be fed with water before feeding. The ducklings need to pay attention to their diet during the feeding period, which is the growing period.

    2020-11-08 Green head duck breeding technology summary first selection excellent and quality
  • What do wild ducks grow up on? What varieties do you have?

    What do wild ducks grow up on? What varieties do you have?

    Wild duck is a kind of rare bird with high value, which is widely raised by people because of its high edible value, but in order to raise wild duck successfully, it is necessary to domesticate it and understand its basic living habits. What does wild duck grow up on? What varieties do you have? Wild duck to eat

    2020-11-11 Chordate wild duck eat what long big all have which
  • Dual-purpose Duck breed-Sichuan Ma Duck

    Dual-purpose Duck breed-Sichuan Ma Duck

    The main results are as follows: (1) the producing area and distribution are small dual-purpose varieties. The central producing areas are located in Mianyang, Wenjiang, Leshan, Yibin, Neijiang, Dachuan and other areas in Sichuan Province, and are widely distributed in rice field producing areas in Sichuan Province. Sichuan sesame duck is precocious and has strong grazing ability. it is the main breed of meat ducks in Sichuan province. (2) the appearance features, the physique is small, the physique is solid and compact, the feathers are tight, and the neck is long and the head shows. Beak orange yellow, beak beans are mostly black, chest developed, prominent. Shins, webbed orange-red. The feather color of the female duck is more miscellaneous, and most of them are hemp brown. Ma-brown female duck

  • Sichuan sesame duck

    Sichuan sesame duck

    Sichuan Ma Duck is a small dual-purpose breed. The central producing areas are located in Mianyang, Wenjiang, Leshan County and other places in Sichuan Province, and are widely distributed in rice field producing areas in Sichuan Province. Sichuan sesame duck is the main breed of meat ducks in Sichuan province because of its precocious maturity, strong grazing ability and high chest and legs. First, the appearance characteristic Sichuan Ma duck physique is small, the physique is solid and compact, the feather is compact, the neck long head shows. Beak orange yellow, beak beans are mostly black, chest developed, prominent. Shins, webbed orange-red. The feather color of the female duck is more miscellaneous, and most of them are hemp brown. The body of a sesame brown mother duck

  • Main symptoms and treatment of heatstroke in ducks

    Main symptoms and treatment of heatstroke in ducks

    After heatstroke, ducks will have a rise in body temperature, crouching and unwilling to walk, open their mouths to breathe or spread their wings to dissipate heat. then there will be standing instability and paroxysmal coma paralysis. (specifically, the duck's head touches the ground or shakes its head, and it can run normally, but it can run normally when it is driven away, but there are neurological symptoms such as touching the ground, coma or shaking its head when it can not run very far. the treatment methods are as follows: 1. When a duck is found to have symptoms of heatstroke, it should be immediately transferred to the shade or build a shade shed, shade net 2. 2. Use electric or water-soluble vitamins

  • Wu Deben, the star of Shaobo's entrepreneurship, bowed his head to be the "duck commander".

    Wu Deben, the star of Shaobo's entrepreneurship, bowed his head to be the

    Wu Deben, the star of Shaobo's entrepreneurship, bowed his head to be the "duck commander".

  • Besides delicious ducks, what's so special about them?

    Besides delicious ducks, what's so special about them?

    When we talked about ostriches yesterday, we mentioned that domestic ducks also have special Tintin. What's so special about domestic ducks? Let's review the introduction of the 2016 table species calendar. Identify the mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos.

  • Methods of distinguishing Duck Plague from Duck Cholera by raising Duck

    Methods of distinguishing Duck Plague from Duck Cholera by raising Duck

    Sick ducks with duck cholera often shake their heads before death, their mouths and noses are bleeding, their crops are full of fodder, and their hands feel hard, while those with duck plague shed tears, their eyes are bloodshot when they die, the crop is empty and have no food, and their hands feel soft when they touch them. 1.

    2020-11-08 Duck breeding identification duck plague and duck cholera methods infected ducks
  • Can ducks and geese cross in rural ponds?

    Can ducks and geese cross in rural ponds?

    In rural ponds, you can often see huge ducks and geese, and geese also take care of their homes. So can ducks and geese cross? According to the explanation of relevant experts, generally speaking, different kinds of creatures cannot mate, and even if the mating is successful, the survival rate is not.

    2020-11-11 In the countryside in the ponds in ducks and geese cross
  • How to prolong the laying period of raising ducks

    How to prolong the laying period of raising ducks

    The yield of laying duck is not only affected by breed, feed, management technology and age, but also varies greatly among individuals. Therefore, it can be identified according to the body shape and appearance of the egg duck. The high-yield egg duck has protruding eyes, a smaller head and a slender neck.

    2020-11-08 Breeding ducks how to prolong the laying period laying ducks production
  • Why does "hanging sheep's head and selling duck meat" show off the food festival?

    Why does

    When melamine milk, Sudan salted eggs, formalin jellyfish skin, clenbuterol, black cotton and so on have just converged, other food counterfeiting has followed-fake mutton has taken over the baton of food fraud and is rampant in the market. According to people in the industry,

    2016-03-20 Hang sheep's head sell duck why ostentatious gourmet festival when
  • Breeding techniques and matters needing attention of Hot Duck Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Duck

    Breeding techniques and matters needing attention of Hot Duck Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Duck

    During the breeding period of ducklings, it is necessary to master the temperature and humidity and do a good immune procedure, which is mainly stocked in rice fields after 1 month of age, properly fed with concentrate at night, and surrounded by rice fields after transplanting rice seedlings to prevent the entry of weasels, cats and dogs. In a corner of the rice field is a hot duck.

    2020-11-08 Hot duck breeding technology and matters needing attention duck common diseases prevention and treatment
  • How to feed wild duck seedlings

    How to feed wild duck seedlings

    Wild duck is a kind of special bird with strong adaptability, wide diet, tolerance to rough feeding and easy to raise. Under good nutrition and feeding management, the growth rate is fast, the feed reward is high, the body weight of 60 ~ 70 days old can reach 1.3kg, and the ratio of meat to feed is 1:3. So the wild duck female

    2020-11-08 Wild duck Miao how feeding wild duck is a kind of adaptation strong sex
  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • What are the common egg duck breeds?

    What are the common egg duck breeds?

    What are the common egg duck breeds?

  • Principle and Prevention of Wild Duck Influenza

    Principle and Prevention of Wild Duck Influenza

    Wild duck is a typical representative of waterfowl, which is the common name of mallard duck (mallard) in the northern hemisphere. Wild duck belongs to bird class, goose-shaped order, duck family; its number is very large, is the popular name of many kinds of wild ducks, there are more than ten species. Not afraid of hot and cold, at-25: 40 ℃

    2020-11-08 Wild duck influenza principle and control wild duck yes waterfowl
  • A brief introduction to the main points of prevention and treatment of duck heatstroke

    A brief introduction to the main points of prevention and treatment of duck heatstroke

    Duck heatstroke, also known as heat stress, is an acute disease caused by disturbance of heat dissipation mechanism and destruction of heat balance in ducks under the condition of high temperature and high humidity. If the disease is not dealt with in time and effectively, a large number of ducks will die, thus causing greater economic losses to breeding. The main causes are as follows: 1. The temperature in summer is too high, or the humidity increases after the rainstorm, and ducks are most likely to cause heatstroke under the combined action of high temperature and high humidity. 2. There are no shading facilities in the duck's sports ground, which makes the duck stay in the strong sun for a long time.

  • Selection method of laying duck breed

    Selection method of laying duck breed

    Selection method of laying duck breed
